Scaling up Innovation in Disaster Risk Management in Pakistan

This report present evidence of how governance and power relations shape disaster risk management policy making


This report is a component of the World Bank’s Scaling up Innovation in Disaster Risk Management’ (SI-DRM) program in Pakistan. The objective of this research is to develop an analytical framework for the evaluation of the program. This will enable to test the underlying assumption of the program design, namely that if decision-makers are provided with risk information and the necessary tools to effectively use this information, they will refine their behavioural and institutional structure accordingly.

In line with this objective, this report present evidence of how governance and power relations shape disaster risk management policy making and how these process are mediated by Pakistan’s state fragility


Rivera-Quiñones, M. (2014) Scaling up Innovation in Disaster Risk Management in Pakistan”. Final Report, October 2014. Annex 6: The Political Economy of Disaster Risk Management in Pakistan

Scaling up Innovation in Disaster Risk Management in Pakistan

Published 1 October 2014