Poverty and Intergenerational Change: Preliminary Findings from the Round 5 Survey in India

This fact sheet presents findings from the fifth round of the Young Lives survey of children in United Andhra Pradesh in 2016


This fact sheet presents findings from the fifth round of the Young Lives survey of children in United Andhra Pradesh in 2016. Young Lives is a longitudinal study on childhood poverty that has followed two cohorts of children born seven years apart. It has been collecting household and child-level survey data from 3,000 households in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana since 2002. This fact sheet presents preliminary findings on changes that have taken place in household poverty in urban and rural locations as well as in different caste groups. The analysis shows a definite increase in wealth – as measured by a composite index of consumer durables, access to services, and housing conditions – of the Younger Cohort households in 2016 compared to 2002 (Round 1 survey), with the highest percentage change in wealth over that period among Scheduled Tribes, households where mothers had no formal education, and households in rural locations. However, inequalities remain.

Young Lives is an international study of childhood poverty, following the lives of 12,000 children in 4 countries (Ethiopia, India, Peru and Vietnam) over 15 years. Young Lives is funded by the UK Department for International Development


Galab, S., Reddy, P., Singh, R, Mukherjee, P., Poverty and Intergenerational Change: Preliminary Findings from the Round 5 Survey in India. Young Lives Fact Sheet Round 5. Oxford: Young Lives, 2017

Poverty and Intergenerational Change: Preliminary Findings from the Round 5 Survey in India

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Published 1 September 2017