Panos Media Toolkit on Communicating Research, No. 3, Ensuring a food secure future: ingredients for change.


This is the third in a series of briefing documents for the media from the RELAY programme. The briefing sets out the main issues around the topic of hunger, food supply and food security, serving as a source of background information for journalists with the aim of prompting them to pursue ideas and do further story research themselves. Questions which journalists may use to ask researchers are suggested. The briefing explains why the media have a crucial and ongoing role in highlighting food security - not just in times of crisis - and illustrates how academic research can provide the back-story to events and help journalists broaden the debate.


Panos Media Toolkit on Communicating Research No. 3, Panos London, London, UK, 6 pp.

Panos Media Toolkit on Communicating Research, No. 3, Ensuring a food secure future: ingredients for change.

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Published 1 January 2007