Overlapping Vitamin A Interventions with Provitamin A Carotenoids and Preformed Vitamin A

Cause Excessive Liver Retinol Stores in Male Mongolian Gerbils


Vitamin A (VA) deficiency is a public health problem in some countries. Fortification, supplementation, and increased provitamin A consumption through biofortification are efficacious, but monitoring is needed due to risk of excessive VA intake when interventions overlap. Two studies in 28–36-d-old male Mongolian gerbils simulated exposure to multiple VA interventions to determine the effects of provitamin A carotenoid consumption from biofortified maize and carrots and preformed VA fortificant on status.

This article is an output of the HarvestPlus programme


Sowa, Margaret; Mourao, Luciana; Sheftel, Jesse; Kaeppler, Mikayla; Simons, Gabrielle; Grahn, Michael; Davis, Christopher R; von Lintig, Johannes; Simon, Philipp W; Pixley, Kevin V; Tanumihardjo, Sherry A. 2020. Overlapping Vitamin A Interventions with Provitamin A Carotenoids and Preformed Vitamin A Cause Excessive Liver Retinol Stores in Male Mongolian Gerbils. The Journal of Nutrition. 150(11):2912-2923.

Overlapping Vitamin A Interventions with Provitamin A Carotenoids and Preformed Vitamin A Cause Excessive Liver Retinol Stores in Male Mongolian Gerbils

Published 26 May 2020