Off- and Weak-Grid Appliance Market Intelligence and Research Roundtable

The event provided an opportunity to engage more than 45 industry leaders


The Efficiency for Access Coalition’s roundtable on off- and weak-grid appliance market intelligence took place in Amsterdam on 19th June 2019 following the 2019 GOGLA Annual General Meeting. The event provided an opportunity to engage more than 45 industry leaders including: on- and off-grid appliance manufacturers, distributers, solar home system providers, researchers, investors, donors as well as other development and technology specialists.

The roundtable included an overview of recent EforA activities and research. Attendees participated in breakout group discussions on six specific topic areas: Market Intelligence, Business Model Innovation, Finance and Investment, Government and Aid Agencies Support, Impact Measurement and Consumer Protection. Participants collectively identified and prioritised actions in each area for the Coalition to take forward.

This work was supported by the UK Department for International Development as part of the ‘Low Energy Inclusive Appliances’ (LEIA) programme.


Efficiency for Access (2019). Off- and Weak-Grid Appliance Market Intelligence and Research Roundtable.

Off- and Weak-Grid Appliance Market Intelligence and Research Roundtable

Published 15 August 2019