Learning Review of Recent Agriculture Evaluations

This review draws together lessons from recent evaluations of DFID-funded commercial agriculture programmes in Africa.


This light touch learning review draws together lessons from recent evaluations of Department for International Development (DFID) -funded commercial agriculture programmes in Africa. It is part of DFID’s work to strengthen learning from its programme portfolio across sectors and geographies and to make best use of the evidence generated by DFID-funded evaluation studies. This review was commissioned by the Evaluation Unit for learning purposes and should not be seen as DFID policy. It is being published so that organisations working in this field can benefit from the findings and to contribute towards improved impact and effectiveness of donor-funded interventions supporting commercial agriculture.


Morton, J and Tang, K., Learning Review of Recent Agriculture Evaluations, DFID EQUALS Learning Review Series, April 2020

Learning Review of Recent Agriculture Evaluations

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Published 30 April 2020