Is the Game Worth the Candle? Examining the Effectiveness of Initial Teacher Education in Indonesia

This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a teacher education programme, known as Pendidikan Profesi Guru Prajabatan


This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a pre-service teacher education programme in Indonesia, known as Pendidikan Profesi Guru Prajabatan or PPG.

This research is part of the Research on Improving Systems of Education programme.


Yusrina, A., Alifia, U., Revina, S., Putri Pramana, R. and . 2022. Is the Game Worth the Candle? Examining the Effectiveness of Initial Teacher Education in Indonesia. RISE Working Paper Series. 22/106.

Is the Game Worth the Candle? Examining the Effectiveness of Initial Teacher Education in Indonesia

Published 17 August 2022