In-depth study on household production, nutrition and consumption in Beira, Mozambique

This study was carried out in Beira in central Mozambique


This work was undertaken as part of the CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) and Roots Tubers and Bananas (RTB). Funding support for this study was provided by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) under the Scaling Up Sweet Potato for Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) project and A4NH.

SUSTAIN is a 6‐year partnership (2013–18), led by CIP, to scale up the nutrition benefits of biofortified orange‐fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP). The goal is to reach 1.2 million households with children under‐5 years of age in Bangladesh, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique and Rwanda. SUSTAIN supports integrated interventions in agriculture, nutrition, utilization and marketing to strengthen production and consumption of OFSP. Beira, where this study was conducted, witnessed a very devastating intense cyclone (Idai) in March 2019 that claimed more than one thousand lives and destroyed property, businesses, farmlands and people’s general livelihoods. The situation and findings reported in in‐depth report have therefore drastically changed by cyclone.


Okello, J.J.; Lagerkvist, C.J.; Kwikiriza, N.; Brouwer, R.; Naico, A.; Heck, S.; Prain, G. 2019. In-depth study on household production, nutrition and consumption in Beira, Mozambique. Lima (Peru). Scaling Up Sweet Potato for Agriculture and Nutrition (SUSTAIN) ProjectInternational Potato Center (CIP). ISBN: 978-92-9060-521-8. 61 p.

In-depth study on household production, nutrition and consumption in Beira, Mozambique

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Published 30 April 2019