Genetic variation for root architectural traits in response to phosphorus deficiency in mungbean at the seedling stage

Root architectural traits of 153 mungbean genotypes were compared under optimum and low phosphorus (P) conditions


Roots enable the plant to survive in the natural environment by providing anchorage and acquisition of water and nutrients. In this study, root architectural traits of 153 mungbean genotypes were compared under optimum and low phosphorus (P) conditions. Significant variations and medium to high heritability were observed for the root traits.

This article is the result of funding from the World Vegetable Center. The World Vegetable Center is partly funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)


Reddy, V.R.P.; Aski, M.S.; Mishra, G.P.; Dikshit, H.K.; Singh, A.; Pandey, R.; Singh, M.P.; Gayacharan; Ramtekey, V.; Priti; Rai, N.; Nair, R.M. 2020. Genetic variation for root architectural traits in response to phosphorus deficiency in mungbean at the seedling stage. PLoS ONE. 15(6): e0221008.

Genetic variation for root architectural traits in response to phosphorus deficiency in mungbean at the seedling stage

Published 11 June 2020