Exploring the Politics of Expertise: The Indonesian Teachers’ Union and Education Policy, 2005-2020

How the largest teachers’ organization influenced labor policy but was marginal in debates about professional standards and training


Focusing on Indonesia from 2005-2020, this paper examines how the largest teachers’ organization influenced labor policy but was marginal in debates about professional standards, training, and evaluation due to its limited technical capacity and struggles to propose viable policy alternatives.

This research is part of the Research on Improving Systems of Education programme.


Chambers-Ju, C., Beatty, A. and Pramana, R. 2022 Exploring the Politics of Expertise: The Indonesian Teachers’ Union and Education Policy, 2005-2020. RISE Working Paper Series. 22/101. https://doi.org/10.35489/BSG-RISE-WP_2022/101

Exploring the Politics of Expertise: The Indonesian Teachers’ Union and Education Policy, 2005-2020

Published 12 July 2022