Examining the Impacts of Restrictions Due to COVID-19 on Mobility of Elderly and Physically Challenged People in Megacities of Pakistan

This data was collected using a household survey technique in two most populous cities of Pakistan, Karachi and Lahor


The lack of infrastructural facilities with poor traffic condition in developing countries is one of the biggest challenges for the elderly and disabled people, particularly for poor income groups, due to their dependency on public transport and other people for travel. The COVID-19 has made the situation more difficult for the elderly and disabled people. This research focuses over the transportation and mobility issues faced by elderly and disabled people due to the measures taken to curb the spread of COVID-19 in Pakistan. The data was collected using a household survey technique in two most populous cities of Pakistan, Karachi and Lahore. The results show that there was a significant decrease in the number of trips commuted during the lockdown. The active transportation mode was preferred by respondents in Lahore, whereas about half of the respondents find it difficult to commute through public transport in Karachi.

This is an output of the High Volume Transport Applied Research Programme


M. Shafiq Ur Rahman et al (2021) Examining the Impacts of Restrictions Due to COVID-19 on Mobility of Elderly and Physically Challenged People in Megacities of Pakistan

Examining the Impacts of Restrictions Due to COVID-19 on Mobility of Elderly and Physically Challenged People in Megacities of Pakistan

Published 28 September 2021