Evaluation of the Humanitarian Innovation and Evidence Programme (HIEP): Formative Phase Report

HIEP is funded by the Department for International Development


The Humanitarian Innovation and Evidence Programme (HIEP) intends to have impact on humanitarian actors’ capacities to deliver improved response and resilience programmes that are effective at supporting vulnerable people.

This formative stage of the evaluation aimed to make an initial assessment of strengths and weaknesses of current HIEP design; to identify progress to date; to make recommendations to facilitate learning; and to provide a foundation for future summative evaluation. It is the first of a series that will be conducted by the Itad evaluation team between now and 2018. It is organised around 4 key questions agreed in the inception phase:

  1. Relevance: How well has HIEP identified and responded to evolving priority needs and opportunities for investment in humanitarian evidence and innovation?

  2. Efficiency: Which management and implementation approaches have enabled HIEP to deliver better value for money (VfM)?

  3. Effectiveness: Which approaches have been more effective in enabling HIEP to ensure the creation, support and application of high-quality and relevant humanitarian evidence?

  4. Impact: What contributions has HIEP made to building and sustaining evidence-aware policy and practice by humanitarian organisations?

The formative evaluation took place between January and May 2014. At the heart of the evaluation is a case study approach. The evaluation identified eight of the twenty projects so far allocated funding by HIEP to follow up to 2018. This formative phase was an opportunity to check the feasibility and appropriateness of that selection.

A theory of change was developed by the evaluation team with DFID in the inception phase. This is being tested and refined over the course of the evaluation. In this formative phase, key questions and judgement criteria were developed based on the HIEP theory of change and the four overarching questions around which the evaluation is framed.

This record provides links to the full report with all 7 appendices (283 pp.; 5.2 MB) as well as to individual pdfs for the main report + summary (66 pp.; 1.5 MB), appendices alone (218 pp.; 4.3 MB), and executive summary (7 pp.; 0.6 MB).

The Summative Phase 1 Report for the evaluation is also available


ITAD. Evaluation of the Humanitarian Innovation and Evidence Programme (HIEP): Formative Phase Report. ITAD, Hove, UK (2014) 283 pp.

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Published 1 January 2014