Embedment of climatic effects in the road asset management process

This paper presents a Climate Threat and Vulnerability Assessment Methodology


As part of an AfCAP Climate Adaptation study, a Climate Threat and Vulnerability Assessment Methodology has been developed that can be applied at a national level to facilitate the identification of regions/districts where the road infrastructure is most vulnerable to a changing climate in terms of the impact on rural accessibility. A second methodology for the assessment of climate risk and vulnerability of rural access roads at a local level has also been developed. Both the district level and local level assessments make use of climate threat data, road network data and socio-economic data. The outcomes from these assessments are a number of indices, both separate and combined, that can be used to rank roads and structures in terms of priority for maintenance or adaptation. Once roads and structures have been ranked in terms of priority for maintenance or adaptation and maintenance and adaptation activities can then be planned, designed and implemented to lead to a rural road network that is more resilient to the impacts of climate change. The assessment methods presented here should be embedded in road asset management systems, as these are the most appropriate vehicle to store the input data, perform the analysis and apply the outputs in the broader road asset management environment.

This work is part of the Applied Research on Rural Roads and Transport Services through Community Access Programmes in Africa and Asia (AFCAP2 and AsCAP)


Roux, M. et al (2019). Embedment of climatic effects in the road asset management process. In: Proceedings of the 26th PIARC World Road Congress, 6-10 October 2019, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

Embedment of climatic effects in the road asset management process

Published 6 October 2019