Could do better: Education in Nepal and users’ perceptions of the state

This paper focuses on access to education and the effect this has on perceptions of the state


Access to education and the effect this has on perceptions of the state forms the focus of this briefing paper. The findings emerge from the report Education services and users’ perceptions of the state in Rolpa, Nepal. Central to the argument is that there needs to be more choice of school in rural areas, better monitoring, and enhanced communication of the part that local and national government play in education. To that end, three recommendations are proposed. This briefing paper is the third in a series on basic services in Nepal.


Tandukar, A.; Sony, K.C.; Upreti, B.R.; Paudel, S.B.; Acharya, G.; Harvey, P. Could do better: Education in Nepal and users perceptions of the state. SLRC Briefing Paper No. 16. Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), London, UK (2015) 5 pp.

Could do better: Education in Nepal and users’ perceptions of the state. SLRC Briefing Paper No. 16

Published 1 January 2015