Characteristics of parasitism and greenhouse and microplot tests for management of eggplant fruit and shoot borer by the parasitoid Trathala flavoorbitalis.


Trathala flavoorbitalis, a larval and pupal parasitoid of eggplant fruit and shoot borer (FSB) is widely available in eggplant fields. It is dependent on its host density. Its population can increase about 10-fold and parasitism rate about three-fold in a year if insecticide use in eggplant fields is avoided. The development period from egg laying to adult emergence is about 16 days and it is a uniparental type of parasitoid, which produces about 98% females. Greenhouse and micro-plot tests have shown that the parasitoid is highly efficient in controlling the FSB infestation, amounting to about 90% parasitism in greenhouse and 70% in micro-plot tests.


IPM CRSP, Annual Report no.9: 108-111.

Characteristics of parasitism and greenhouse and microplot tests for management of eggplant fruit and shoot borer by the parasitoid Trathala flavoorbitalis.

Published 1 January 2002