An evaluation of the pedagogy, impact on learning outcomes, political economy of adaptation and subsequent scale-up of the programme

4 studies on Activity Based Learning (ABL) in Tamil Nadu, India


Activity Based Learning (ABL) is based on the pedagogical principle of learning through activities. It is an approach which took root in Tamil Nadu and its defining characteristic is its promotion of student learning as self-initiated, independent and at an individual pace. ABL uses a range of interesting, innovative and clearly differentiated learning resources to assist each student develop as an independent learner according to his or her particular aptitude and skill. Through the use of self-learning cards, learning ladder and other associated materials, children learn to function independently and/or draw on peer knowledge to complete activities. In principle, such an approach enables teachers to support the learning and assessment needs of diverse groups of students in multi-grade and multi-age classrooms. ABL classrooms also look markedly different from the majority of classrooms in government schools across India in how they are physically organised. This research, using a multi-methods approach, examines the perceptions and practices of students, teachers and headteachers in ABL settings.

This research has 4 interrelated studies. It was funded under the Department for International Development’s Policy Research Fund


  1. Nidhi Singal, David Pedder, Malathy Duraisamy, Shakthi Manickavasagam, Shanmugam M and Govdinrajan M. ABL pedagogy in schools and classrooms in two districts in Tamil Nadu

  2. Monazza Aslam, Shenila Rawal, Anna Vignoles, Malathy Duraisamy & Shanmugam M. The Trajectory of Learning: the study of ABL in Tamil Nadu, India (2016)

  3. Jaskiran Bedi & Geeta Kingdon. The Political Economy of the Scale up of the ABL programme in Tamil Nadu (2016)

  4. Shailaja Fennell, Malathy Duraisamy & Shanmugam M. Dissemination and Scaling up of the Activity Based Learning Programme (2016)

  1. ABL pedagogy in schools and classrooms in two districts in Tamil Nadu

  2. The Trajectory of Learning: the study of ABL in Tamil Nadu, India

  3. The Political Economy of the Scale up of the ABL programme in Tamil Nadu

  4. Dissemination and Scaling up of the Activity Based Learning Programme

Published 1 December 2016