Addressing the Linkages between Gender and Transport in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

This paper presents a literature review of gender and transport in low- and middle-income countries


The Millennium Development Goals specifies gender equality and sustainable development as their two central priorities. An area of critical importance for sustainable and gender-fair development is mobility and transport, which has so far been neglected and downplayed in research and policy making both at the national and global levels. Rooted in the history of the topic and the emerging ideas on smart, green and integrated transport, this paper presents a literature review of gender and transport in low- and middle-income countries. The paper presents a host of cross-cutting topics with a concentrated focus on spatial and transport planning. The paper further identifies existing research gaps and comments on the new conceptualizations on smart cities and smart mobilities in the Global South. Due attention is paid to intersections and synergies that can be created between different development sectors, emerging transport modes, data and modelling exercises, gender equality and sustainability.

This is an output of the High Volume Transport Applied Research Programme


Priya Uteng, T.; Turner, J. Addressing the Linkages between Gender and Transport in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Sustainability 2019, 11, 4555.

Addressing the Linkages between Gender and Transport in Low- and Middle-Income Countries

Published 22 August 2019