A randomised control trial on the effectiveness of three modalities of tuberculosis treatment supervision under DOTs strategy in Ethiopia.


This is a trial protocol for a clinical trial aiming to measure the treatment effectiveness of health facility-based tuberculosis (TB) care by health workers, patient-administered treatment and community-based TB care by volunteer community health workers. It outlines the background to and reasons for the trial, and describes the proposed methods and detailed implementation procedures, measures for quality assurance, and the responsibilities of the investigators and institutions. Data processing and analysis are mentioned more briefly, and ethical considerations are discussed.


Mesfin, M.M.: A randomised control trial on the effectiveness of three modalities of tuberculosis treatment supervision under DOTs strategy in Ethiopia. Nuffield Centre for International Health and Development, Institute of Health Sciences, University of Leeds, UK, 83 pp.

A randomised control trial on the effectiveness of three modalities of tuberculosis treatment supervision under DOTs strategy in Ethiopia.

Published 1 January 2003