A qualitative observation study of primary and secondary lessons conducted by teachers participating in English in Action. Medium-scale qualitative study 2b. Research Report


The 2b Practice reports bring together evidence from a qualitative observation study of English language teaching (ELT) aspects in a sample of EIA lessons. The lessons analysed for this study were conducted by teachers who were participating in the pilot phase of the EIA intervention and had undergone English in Action (EIA) training for nine months. As a qualitative study, the focus of the 2b Practice study was on how teachers were implementing approaches they had been learning through the EIA project.

This report (2b Practice, Report 1 Synopsis) brings together the two other 2b Practice reports: (Report 2: Cross-case analysis, and Report 3: Case studies; EIA 2011c). Together these report the nature of ELT aspects evident in a sample of lessons of teachers participating in the EIA project.


English in Action. A qualitative observation study of primary and secondary lessons conducted by teachers participating in English in Action. Medium-scale qualitative study 2b. Research Report. English in Action (EIA), Dhaka, Bangladesh (2011) 24 pp.

A qualitative observation study of primary and secondary lessons conducted by teachers participating in English in Action. Medium-scale qualitative study 2b. Research Report

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Published 1 January 2011