A multi image-based approach for modelling plant-fertiliser interaction.

This study assesses how a dynamic root system architecture may improve phosphorus root uptake from a fertiliser pellet.


Phosphorus fertilisation is crucial for crop yields. However, traditional phosphate resources are dwindling, thus a more efficient use of phosphorus fertilisers is required for sustainable farming. This study demonstrates the scope of image-based models parameterised by elemental maps by assessing how a dynamic root system architecture may improve phosphorus root uptake from a fertiliser pellet.

This is a publication arising from the Sustainable Crop production for International Development (SCPRID) programme.


Fletcher D, Keyes S, Daly K, van Veelen A, Roose T (2019). A multi image-based approach for modelling plant-fertiliser interaction. Rhrizosphere. 10:100152.

A multi image-based approach for modelling plant-fertiliser interaction

Published 13 May 2019