2019 State of the Off-Grid Appliance Market Report (Full Report)

Analyses the major market trends for off-grid appropriate TVs, fans, and refrigerators across 8 markets in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa


Off-grid appropriate appliances enable households to enjoy the benefits and improved quality of life that come from expanded access to energy by allowing them to effectively and efficiently make use of distributed energy solutions. The 2017 State of the Off-Grid Appliance Market Report presented the first-ever snapshot of the off-grid appliance market for televisions, fans, and refrigerators. Since then the off-grid appliance market has continued to mature, with companies increasingly responding to consumer prioritisation of quality and personal need and demand for financing options. The broader market ecosystem has seen widespread shifts as well with policymakers, regulators, investors and development actors placing a greater emphasis on energy-efficient off-grid appliances and the role they play in delivering higher tiers of energy access.

The 2019 State of the Off-Grid Appliance Market Report analyzes the major market trends for off-grid appropriate TVs, fans, and refrigerators across eight representative markets in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. This report aims to size the existing market and estimate the addressable market, now and in 2030. It also identifies barriers to market growth and identifies the steps companies, governments, and development actors could take to accelerate growth.

This work was supported by the UK Department for International Development as part of the ‘Low Energy Inclusive Appliances’ (LEIA) programme.


Efficiency for Access (2019). 2019 State of the Off-Grid Appliance Market Report.

Published 30 October 2019