Vin cu denumire de origine controlată (D.O.C.) supplemented by Cules la maturitate deplină - C.M.D., Cules târziu - C.T., Cules la înnobilarea boabelor - C.I.B.

Traditional term for wine


Wines bearing a designation of origin are wines produced from grapes obtained in delimited areas characterised by climate, soil and exposure conditions which are favourable for the harvest quality and respect the following requirements: the grapes from which the wine is produced come exclusively from the respective delimited area; the production takes place in the respective geographical area; the quality and characteristics of wine are essentially or exclusively due to a particular geographical environment with its inherent natural and human factors; wines are obtained from vine varieties belonging to Vitis vinifera. According to the maturation stage of the grapes and its quality characteristics at harvest, wines bearing a designation of origin are classified as follows: DOC – CMD – wine bearing a designation of origin obtained from grapes fully matured harvested; DOC – CT – wine bearing a designation of origin obtained from grapes of a late harvest; DOC – CIB – wine bearing a designation of origin obtained at harvest when the grape are ennobled.

Published 4 January 2021