Product Safety Report: Xin Ying Bao Musical Baby Mobile sold via Wish (2205-0371)

Product Safety Report for Xin Ying Bao Musical Baby Mobile presenting a risk of choking due to the easy production of small parts.


Product: Xin Ying Bao Musical Baby Mobile

Hazard: The product presents a risk of choking due to the easy production of small parts when the product is being used.

Corrective action: OPSS are requiring the withdrawal of the product from the market. The listing has been removed by the online marketplace (Wish).

Product information

Type Toys - Baby Mobile
Brand Xin Ying Bao
WISH ID 61968a36e0d8e4f8b7ba97b9
Listing Name New Arrival Baby Bed Bell Rattle Toy Music Bedside Bell Appease Toy Baby Toy Boy Girl Gift
Country of Origin China
Product description A plastic crib mobile in the shape of a yellow giraffe with giraffe stickers holding a blue plastic butterfly that can be turned at the back to make music.
Product Report and Image Link to Product Image and PDF


The product presents a risk of choking as after the soak test, the giraffe’s head and body and foam pad cover on screw detached at forces less than 90N. The green plastic cap from the centre of the cross frame with the bear attached broke at also broke at less than 90N. The green plastic cross frame broke after the impact test presenting a small part, which fits into a small part cylinder. A young infant could place these parts in their mouth and choke.

The product does not meet the requirements of the Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011.

Corrective action

OPSS are requiring the withdrawal of the product from the market.

The listing has been removed by the online marketplace (Wish).

Additional information

PSD case number: 2205-0371

Notified by: Office for Product Safety and Standards

Published 28 November 2022