Product Safety Report: Soft Glue Animal Building Blocks (2106-0057)

Product Safety Report for Soft Glue Animal Building Blocks presenting a serious of asphyxiation.


Product: Soft Glue Animal Building Blocks

Hazard: The product presents a risk of asphyxiation and suffocation due to the drawstring storage bag being too long.

Corrective action: Import has been rejected at the border

Product information

Type Toys – Building blocks
Barcode X0019W5E0R
Model 1022
Batch number UK200718
Country of Origin China
Product description Colourful animal rubber building blocks with a drawstring bag for storage.
Product Report and Image Link to Product Image and PDF


The product presents a risk of asphyxiation as the product has a drawstring storage bag which has an opening perimeter of approximately 490mm, greater than the maximum permitted of 380mm.

The material used was not sufficiently permeable to allow for ventilation.

A child can be playing with the bag and place over their heads without their parents noticing, which can lead to suffocation.

The product does not meet the requirements of the Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011.

Corrective action

Import has been rejected at the border.

Additional information

PSD case number: 2106-0057

Notified by: Local Authority Trading Standards

Published 26 March 2022