Product Safety Report: Flashing Sword (2209-0227)

Product Safety Report for Flashing Sword presenting a serious risk of choking.


Product: Flashing Sword

Hazard: The product presents a serious risk of choking as there are no warnings regarding the disposal of the button cell batteries, which could lead to a young child gaining access to the batteries and swallowing them, presenting a choking hazard and the risk of internal burns. The packaging of the product also presents an asphyxiation hazard.

Corrective action: Destruction of the product.

Product information

Type Toys – Flashing sword
Barcode 3040624338902
Country of Origin China
Product description Pink toy sword that flashes with lights
Product Report and Image Link to product image and PDF


The product presents a serious risk of choking as there are no warnings regarding the disposal of the button cell batteries. If removed and consumer is unaware, they could be ingested by a child leading to a choking hazard and internal burns. The product presents an asphyxiation hazard as the flexible plastic bag used for packaging has an area greater than 100mm x 100mm and the bag thickness measured as 0.023 ± 0.002mm is less than the minimum 0.038mm specified.

The product does not meet the requirements of the Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011.

Corrective action

Destruction of the product

Additional information

PSD case number: 2209-0227

Notified by: Local Authority Trading Standards

Published 30 December 2022