Product Safety Report: Beauty7 Tattoo Ink 10pcs (2402-0149)

Product Safety Report for Beauty7 Tattoo Ink 10pcs presenting a serious chemical risk.

Product: Beauty7 Tattoo Ink 10pcs

Hazard: The product presents a serious chemical risk as it contains lead at a concentration of 3.36mg/kg, which is greater than the maximum permissible concentration.

Corrective action: The import has been rejected at the border and destroyed.

Product information

Type Chemical Products – Tattoo Ink
Brand Beauty7
Amazon product identifiers XX001JF2DVH, FBA15HJ8XLSKU000005
Country of Origin China
Product Description Set of 10 tattoo colours in plastic sealed bottles with white labelling and image of a dragon, supplied in transparent plastic packaging.
Product Report and Image Link to product image and PDF


The product presents a serious chemical risk as it contains lead at a concentration of 3.36mg/kg, which is greater than the maximum permissible concentration of 0.7mg/kg in tattoo inks or permanent makeup.

Further information on the health effects presented by exposure to lead is available on at the following link:

The product does not meet the requirements of the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation & restriction of Chemicals (REACH) Enforcement Regulations 2008.

Corrective action

The import has been rejected at the border and destroyed.

Additional information

PSD case number: 2402-0149

Notified by: Local Authority Trading Standards

Published 21 February 2024