Product Safety Report: Baztoy Flying Ball (2108-0336)

Product safety report for Baztoy flying ball presenting a chemical risk and risk of injuries and choking due to the presence of easily accessible button batteries.


Product: Baztoy Flying Ball

Hazard: The product presents a chemical risk and risk of injuries and choking due to the presence of easily accessible, small button batteries.

Corrective action: We recommend users stop using this product immediately. Contact the distributor you purchased from to request redress. The listing has been removed by the online marketplace (Amazon).

Product information

Type Toys – Remote control helicopter ball
Model 8186
Country of Origin China
Product description Remote controlled toy in the shape of a ball with helicopter style rotor blades. Ball contains LEDs which light up. Product is charged via USB and remote control is powered by a removable battery.
Product Report and Image Link to product image and PDF


The product has been identified as presenting a high chemical risk and risk of choking and injuries. The product is powered using button batteries which can be easily accessed and placed in the mouth and swallowed, presenting a choking hazard for young children and causing damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

The product does not meet the requirements of the Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011.

Corrective action

We recommend users stop using this product immediately. Contact the distributor you purchased from to request redress.

The listing has been removed by the online marketplace (Amazon).

Additional information

PSD case number: 2108-0336

Notified by: Office for Product Safety and Standards

Published 5 April 2022