Product Safety Report: 45W USB-C Type C Laptop Charger sold via Etsy (2208-0241)

Product Safety Report for 45W USB-C Type C Laptop Charger sold via Etsy presenting a serious risk of electric shock.


Product: 45W USB-C Type C Laptop Charger sold via Etsy

Hazard: The product poses a serious risk of electric shock as during the drop test, the cases opened giving consumers access to live parts. The product also failed to meet the requirements of the minimum creepage and clearance distance, further presenting a risk of electric shock.

Corrective action: The listing has been removed by the online marketplace (Etsy). We recommend owners stop using this product immediately. Contact the distributor you purchased from to request redress.

Product information

Type Electrical appliances and equipment - Laptop charger
Model DL45200225
Etsy item number 1165045676
Country of Origin China
Product Description Black three-pin plug laptop charger supplied with a manual, packaged in brown cardboard packaging.
Product Report and Image Link to product image and PDF


The product poses a serious risk of electric shock as during the drop test, the cases opened giving consumers access to live parts. The product also failed to meet the requirements of the minimum creepage and clearance distance, further presenting a risk of electric shock. The product is missing required safety information and suitable instructions of use.

The product does not meet the requirements of the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 2016.

Corrective action

The listing has been removed by the online marketplace (Etsy).

We recommend owners stop using this product immediately. Contact the distributor you purchased from to request redress.

Additional information

PSD case number: 2208-0241

Notified by: Office for Product Safety and Standards

Published 5 October 2023