Grounding of oil tanker Crescent Connemara

Location: Near Skye bridge, Scotland.

Completed PE Summary: Crescent Connemara

Merchant Vessel/Accident Details
Vessel Name Crescent Connemara
Flag UK
Type Oil tanker
Date 08/04/2006
Location of Incident Near Skye bridge, Scotland
Incident Type Grounding
Injuries/Fatalities None
Damage/Pollution Hull damage/None


The UK-flagged oil tanker Crescent Connemara vessel grounded shortly after passing under the Skye Bridge, Scotland. Crescent Connemara sustained hull damage, requiring dry docking repairs. There were no injuries and there was no pollution as a result of the accident.

Action taken

The Chief Inspector wrote to the owners of Crescent Connemara recommending the following actions:

  • Ensure all masters, officers and crew are made aware of the content of important safety publications such as Health & Safety Bulletins.

  • Encourage masters and navigating officers to operate their vessels in accordance with good navigation, passage planning and bridge team management practices.

  • Ensure ship managers actively promote good navigational practices and effectively audit the performance of bridge teams in this respect.

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Published 23 January 2015