ERSMUPDATE070510 - Employment Related Securities Manual: recent changes


Below are details of the amendments that were published on 10 May 2007 (see the update index for all updates).

Section Title and details of update
ERSM70000 Page numbers and titles added. Page titles changed
ERSM70010 Priority of the general earnings charge over Chapter 3C liability
ERSM70110 Dilution of the value of shares by the issue of new shares as an example of the acquisition of securities causing a reduction in the value of other securities held by the employee
ERSM70120 Revised examples of notional loan computations
ERSM70410 Expanded guidance on options granted overseas
ERSM70420 Expanded guidance on R/NOR employees and overseas workdays
ERSM70423 Overseas workdays examples
ERSM70424 Expanded guidance and example for R/NOR employees leaving the UK
ERSM70430 Expanded guidance on the effect of ITEPA03/S24
ERSM70440 Inclusion of example in respect of non-resident employees
ERSM70450 Expanded guidance on deferred share awards made whilst the employee is not resident