DMBM875590 - RLS: Missing VAT customers: Management information

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Sources of information

There are prints produced by the mainframe computer concerned with missing traders, which may assist management in determining whether the review codes have been properly set, are correct and effective action has been taken.

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(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

Daily Enforcement Message (D0971) VAT

The D0971 details the Debtors VAT Registration numbers where certain actions have taken place on the mainframe. This action is indicated by an Enforcement Action Indicator. The indicator will have a value of 1 to 9 where the specific values represent:

New Enforcement Action Indicator Value

VAT Mainframe


Payment Made


Debt Balance Adjusted


Not currently allocated

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(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)


Unpaid Cheque/Failed payment


New Immature Debt/Pending Withdrawn


Deregistration/Insolvency Status


VAT Return


Accounting/Indicator Status Amendment


The print is automatically printed at the appropriate DTO on a daily basis and is also available for the DMB Tracing Group Cumernauld.


If for any reason the D0971 does not automatically print out in the local units, a reprint can be requested by

  • selecting option 7 from the main VISION menu
  • using key option number 1 and the 3-digit DM reference as the key office number (eg.268 for Liverpool, 269 for Chesterfield etc).

Further information on Enforcement Action Indicators can be found in Recovery Timetable/Indicators at DMBM530500.

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Management checks

Management checks should be undertaken in line with the current management assurance programme ensuring the effective monitoring and control of missing traders.