DMBM682420 - Ordinary Cause: Preparing forms C16 for the new account

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Once you have completed all the end of account balance procedures you will then need toprepare new forms C16(courtfees), C16(SOcosts) and C16(Solsandcollsfees) for the newAccount.

For each of the different categories of the forms C16 for the account that has just closed(the “old” account) you must

  • enter each uncleared case on to the appropriate category of the C16 for the “new” account using the original consecutive number shown on the “old” Account.

For C16(courtfees)

  • enter the amount shown as outstanding in column 19 of the “old” account into column 8 of the “new” account and
  • confirm that these totals both agree.

For C16(SOcosts)

  • enter the amounts shown as outstanding in columns 18(a) and 18(b) of the “old” account into columns 8(a) and 8(b) of the “new” account and
  • confirm that the total for column 18(a) of the “old” account agrees with the total for column 8(a) of the “new” account and also that the total for column 18(b) of the “old” account agrees with the total for column 8(b) of the “new” account.


  • enter the amount shown as outstanding in column 15 of the “old” account into column 4 of the “new” account and
  • confirm that these totals both agree.