DMBM670110 - Summary Warrant: Responsibility for summary warrant action

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Responsibilities of the higher debt manager

Overall responsibility for the proper conduct of this work rests with the higher debt manager who<ul><li class="filledcircle">supervises progress of the proceedings ensuring that both a satisfactory and speedy conclusion to the case is received as soon as possible</li><li class="filledcircle">ensures that debt managers engaged on summary warrant actions are</li></ul><blockquote><ul><li class="dash">fully aware of the responsible nature of the work and are competent in their duties</li><li class="dash">aware that they should immediately report any case of doubt or difficulty to the higher debt manager.</li></ul></blockquote><h2>Responsibilities of the debt manager</h2>Immediate responsibility for the detailed conduct of this work rests with the debt manager who should<ul><li class="filledcircle">supervise any work dealt with by assistant debt management officers and debt management administrative assistants</li><li class="filledcircle">deal with the subsequent conduct of cases as far as is practicable, subject to oversight by the higher debt manager.</li></ul><h2>Role of debt management officer and debt management assistant</h2>Officers of grades below debt manager may deal with any clerical work required in the preparation and follow up of summary warrant action.