DMBM668220 - Enforcement action: county court proceedings: judgment summonses: adjournments

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The judge may order a case to be adjourned. This can either be to a specified date or generally. ‘Generally' is a term in everyday use, but you may also hear reference to its strict legal equivalent ‘sine die' - literally ‘without day'.

Adjournment to a specified date

Where the hearing is adjourned to a specified date, for example to allow time for the judgment debtor’s cheque to clear, the adjourned hearing will automatically be taken out on payment. You are not required to attend court.

Where payment is not made, you should prepare for the adjourned hearing as you would for any judgment summons hearing.

Adjournment generally

It will be rare for a judgment summons to be adjourned generally. Where a case has been adjourned generally for 12 months, the court will give notice (on form N250) that the judgment summons will be struck out unless you apply for a fresh hearing date.

Striking out does not stop you applying for a fresh judgment summons, but you will lose the original fee. You should therefore try to avoid this situation arising.