DMBM665650 - Enforcement action: country court proceedings: the defendant’s response to the claim: payment received following service of claim

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Identifying payments

Service of the claim form may prompt the debtor into making full or part payment, perhaps with an admission and offer of payment for the balance, or a defence. It is essential that judgment in default is only entered in appropriate cases. Although payment should be made direct to Banking at Shipley, the higher debt manager should ensure that there is a robust enough system to identify any payments received locally.

CCBC cases

It is particularly important to identify payments for CCBC cases, as the IDMS automatic judgment in default process continues unless the debt and court fees and costs are cleared in full by payment.

To identify such cases, check payments received locally and the EXCEPTIONS LIST on a daily basis.

What to do on receipt of payment

Where you receive payment, whether in full settlement or otherwise, send it with appropriate payslips to Banking at Shipley immediately.

Note: If only part payment is made, you should not allocate any of the payment to court fees or costs until after judgment is entered. See DMBM665670 for guidance about pursuing the balance of the claim.