DMBM530430 - Debt and return pursuit: VAT: IT Systems: Departmental Trader Register (DTR) - general

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Historically, VISION identified debts which were automatically downloaded to DTR to initiate and process debt recovery action. As of April 2011, enforceable VAT debts are advised and managed on the Integrated Debt Management System (IDMS); however, historic debt information is still available on DTR.

DTR is an online database of customer registration information, which can be viewed, interrogated and, updated by business users subject to authorised access.

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

Local reports can be run to monitor and manage case load.

There are a number of facilities available: Trader, Office, Organisation, Reference Data, Reports, To-do list, Trader Accounts and National Office.