DMBM520510 - Debt and return pursuit: PAYE: in-year process: IDMS actions: removal of enforcement signal on IDMS

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The enforcement signal is set on IDMS to indicate that work item(s) are subject to a specific type of enforcement action.

IDMS automatically removes the signal if the work item(s) clears. If the enforcement action has stopped because it is no longer appropriate but the work item(s) remains outstanding; for example, a time to pay (TTP) is agreed, the enforcement signal remains on the record and needs to be removed clerically.

Whenever you want to transfer WI(s) to FF, if an enforcement signal is set against a work item(s), you must remove the signal prior to transfer.

This can be done from any enforcement worklist. To do this:

  • you should use function ‘RECORD ACTIONS’
  • click on ‘Add’
  • select from the drop down options
  • Signals unset other.

Note: The signal should not be removed if the case is progressing to CCP or enforcement action is being taken