DMBM405630 - Interest: Interest Review Unit (IRU): Corporation Tax (CT): Corporation Tax Pay and File (CTPF) 1 October 1993 to 1 July 1999

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The introduction of CTPF required companies to file a return for each accounting period and pay the CT due by the due date. Any delay in paying the CT, that the return showed to be payable, would normally be the company's responsibility and should not be considered for giving up interest.

The filing would be followed up by putting an assessment on record. Where the assessment brought out extra tax to be paid, over and above that shown by the filed return and HMRC made errors or caused unreasonable delay in making the assessment (see DMBM405010), consider giving up interest on the extra tax due.

The number of these cases is reducing. The guidance in DMBM405010 General Principles should be sufficient to handle the bulk of cases coming from the period of CTPF.