DMBM231530 - Annual Balance: Debt Pursuit Offices: Checking Balance forms: Checks of figures brought forward from previous statements

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Consistency is vital in the national consolidation of accounts, so you must bring forward all figures shown as carried forward in the previous year’s Balance Statements:

  • in the same amount
  • against the same head of duty
  • against the same element of the head of duty (Tax, Interest, Penalty and so on).

Office reorganisations

Offices involved in reorganisations at the previous Balance date must, as appropriate, also:

  • exclude from brought forward figures all amounts transferred to another office at the close of the previous Account
  • include all amounts transferred in at the start of this Account.

If you discover a discrepancy in a brought forward figure, send full details to your Group Office.

Important - Do not try to provide a solution yourself.

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To check the 45E(Short), using this year’s Balance Statements, check that the ‘net uncleared overpayment’ figure brought forward in Section 1 agrees item 6 on the 45K(IT)(Short) from last Account (carried forward).

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Check that item 11 agrees item 6 on the 45K(IT)(Short) from last Account.

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45K(Costs)(England, Wales and Northern Ireland)

This Account’s 45K(Costs) item

Agrees last Account’s from 45K(Costs) item

1 a)(i) Summary Proceedings

18 a)(i) Summary Proceedings

1 a)(ii) County Court Proceedings (England and Wales only)

18 a)(ii) County Court Proceedings (England and Wales only)


18 b)(i)

1b(ii) (non-bailiff distraints)

18 b)(ii) (non-bailiff distraints)


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This Account’s form 45K(Costs)(Scotland) item

Agrees last Account’s form 45K(Costs)(Scotland) item

1 a)

11 a)

1 b)

11 b)

1 c)

11 c)

1 d)

11 d)

1 e)

11 e)

6 a)

4 a)

6 b)

4 b)