DMBM207115 - Returned payments: returned payments in BROCS

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Cheque, Bank Giro, and Girobank payments

Recalls - BACs, Faster Payments, CHAPs, internet, and telephone banking payments

Direct Debit payments


Cheque, Bank Giro, and Girobank payments

Returned payments actioned through Automatic Remittance Processing

Where the Bank returns a payment and the original credit was posted in full to BROCS, it is actioned by input through Automatic Remittance Processing (ARP). Where this happens you will see the payment being deducted from the customer’s record with a Posting Type of DCH.

Returned payments actioned through OAS

Returned payments that cannot be actioned through ARP are those which

  • were only used in part to satisfy an SA liability
  • have been repaid in full or in part
  • were transferred to SA through OAS.

In these cases the returned payment is actioned through OAS by the Book 18 team within DMB Banking. They allocate these cases a Book 18 number, and note this together with details of the returned payment in the BROCS History Notes.

Original payment part allocated to BROCS 

Where only part of the payment is allocated to BROCS, a minus entry is created in OAS for the BROCS element of the payment. The corresponding BROCS payment is then transferred to OAS, and the plus and minus entries in OAS are cross-referenced.

Original BROCS payment repaid 

If all or part of the returned amount has been repaid, a minus entry is created in OAS for the full amount of the payment. Any part of the BROCS payment that has not been repaid is then transferred to OAS, and the plus and minus entries in OAS are cross-referenced.

The follow up action to recover the over-repayment is then taken by the Error Statement Team in DMB Banking.

Original payment transferred to BROCS through OAS 

Where a payment that was transferred to BROCS through OAS needs to be actioned a minus entry is created in OAS for the full amount of the payment posted in BROCS. The corresponding payment is then transferred from BROCS to OAS, and the plus and minus entries in OAS cross-referenced.

Recalls - BACs, Faster Payments, CHAPs, internet, and telephone banking payments

Payments recalled by the customer’s bank are actioned through OAS by the Book 18 team within DMB Banking. They allocate these cases a Book 18 number, remove the amount of the recall from the customer’s record, and make a BROCS History Note.

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Direct Debit payments

Normally we receive an unpaid notification from the Bank before the Receipts Clearing System updates the customer’s record with the payment. Where this happens you will not see a NDDS unpaid posting on the customer’s record. Exceptionally, where we receive a late unpaid notification and the customer’s record has already been updated to show the payment, the Banking Central Direct Debit Team in DMB Banking arrange for the failed credit to be removed from the record.