
Work with us

Parole Board Member Recruitment

Applies to England and Wales

Work with us - Independent Member Recruitment Campaign 2023

About the Parole Board

Parole Board Independent Member Recruitment Campaign 2023

The key task of all members of the Parole Board is to make rigorous, fair and timely risk assessments about individual cases which have the primary aim of protecting the public and which contribute to the rehabilitation of offenders where appropriate.

As well as bringing your professional experience, you will be expected to take a full and active part in all aspects of the panel’s decision making. As an independent member of the Board you are expected to become accredited to chair oral hearings, for which additional training will be provided in 2026. This campaign is open to those who live in all regions of the UK and Northern Ireland. The role is home based, including with some hearings undertaken during the working day in HMP establishments across England & Wales.

Am I eligible to be an Independent Member?

Independent Members must:

-There must be no employment restrictions, or limit on your permitted stay in the UK. Applications are welcome from anyone aged 18 or over. There are circumstances in which an individual will not be considered for appointment. They include:

  • People who have received a prison sentence or suspended prison sentence of three months or more in the last five years;

  • People with ongoing and/or outstanding professional conduct or fitness to practice matters and/or those who have had their employment terminated for conduct or criminal offence reasons.

  • Current operational employees within the prison service.

  • Elected office holders, in which their involvement in any outside activity might be seen to cast doubt on their impartiality or conflict with their appointment to the Board. This would include political activity and or nomination or adoption as a prospective candidate for election;

  • Those who have had their appointment terminated under the agreed protocol for termination of membership of the Parole Board.

Applications for the 2023 Independent Member Recruitment Campaign are now closed.

Can I apply to be a judicial member?

Please note, we are not currently recruiting for judicial members but you can sign up here to be notified when the next campaign opens.

Our previous eligibility criteria for judicial members has been:

  1. A retired High Court Judge;
  2. A retired Senior Circuit Judge; or
  3. A Circuit Judge, who retired in the three years preceding the closing date for applications or is currently serving and will be retired by the date of the initial induction training.

If you sit as a part-time judge, tribunal judge, magistrate, or any other judicial role that isn’t mentioned above, you can apply to be an independent member.

Can I apply to be a psychologist member?

Please note, we are not currently recruiting for psychologist members but you can sign up here to be notified when the next campaign opens.

Our previous eligibility criteria for psychologist members has been:

  1. Registered as a practitioner psychologist with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC);
  2. With knowledge and understanding of forensic risk assessment.
  3. No outstanding fitness to practice matters

This is a senior level position where it is expected individuals will use their knowledge of psychology, risk assessment tools and risk management skills, to work independently and in consultation with other Parole Board colleagues in deciding if an offender should receive parole.

Can I apply to be a psychiatrist member?

Please note, we are not currently recruiting for psychiatrist members but you can sign up here to be notified when the next campaign opens.

Our previous eligibility criteria for psychiatrist members has been:

  1. At least 5 years as a consultant psychiatrist in the UK
  2. Specialist registration as a medical practitioner with the General Medical Council
  3. A licence to practice is not required
  4. No outstanding fitness to practice matters

This is a senior level position where it is expected individuals will use their knowledge of psychiatry, risk assessment tools and risk management skills, to work independently and in consultation with other Parole Board colleagues in deciding if an offender should receive parole.

What does the work involve?

The key task of all members of the Parole Board is to make rigorous, fair and timely risk assessments about individual cases which have the primary aim of protecting the public and which contribute to the rehabilitation of offenders where appropriate.

What skills do you use as a Parole Board Member?

As an Independent Member of the Parole Board for England & Wales you will:

  • Analyse and critically evaluate information to identify continuing risks in parole cases referred by the Secretary of State, where information may come from a variety of sources including electronic dossiers and evidence given at oral hearings.
  • Apply risk knowledge, skills of assessment and management of risk/dangerousness in offender populations and professional judgement to parole cases to decide whether a prisoner can safely be released into the community; to set licence conditions where release is appropriate; and, in relevant cases, to decide whether to recommend a prisoner is transferred to open conditions.
  • Be proactive to identify and resolve issues in all allocated cases at the earliest opportunity, applying the current relevant law, procedure and guidance. Seek advice from subject experts within the Board, including specialist members, and legal and practice advisors.
  • Assess parole cases on referral to conclude on the papers or set directions for effective case management of those to be considered at an oral hearing.
  • Take an active part in oral hearings ensuring all areas of risk are identified and addressed by the panel, witnesses are questioned appropriately to inform the panel’s assessment of risk, and there is a full panel discussion of a case to properly weigh the evidence.
  • Contribute professional knowledge and experience to the panel’s analysis of risk issues:
  • by clarifying those that are relevant to risk assessment and management;
  • by assessing the weight of intelligence, qualifications and experience of witnesses and authors, specific assessment tools used, overall quality of assessment and conclusions drawn; and
  • when two or more differing opinions exist in an area of risk.
  • Work collaboratively with other panel members to make judgements about the available evidence and to provide structured written reasons for the panel’s decision or recommendation in every case.
  • Make preliminary paper directions and decisions
  • Use Parole Board IT effectively to access electronic dossiers, draft reasons for panel outcomes, communicate with the panel and colleagues and to undertake learning and development activity. Participate in oral hearings electronically, by telephone and/or video platform, as required.
  • Complete all mandatory training in line with Parole Board policy. Take responsibility for personal development by accessing materials and opportunities provided by the Board to remain up to date with current law, procedure, guidance and developments. Reflect individually and collectively on experiences and practice.
  • Achieve accreditation and maintain an active mixed portfolio of casework including paper panels and oral hearings. Law Enforcement members are expected to achieve oral hearing chair accreditation and paper decision and direction writing accreditation, as well as undertaking Chair training in 2026.
  • Be an effective ambassador whenever representing the Parole Board. Contribute positively to the effective running of the organisation through non-casework activity including mentoring, quality assurance, governance, training and participation in consultation, working groups and development roles.
  • Travel in line with Parole Board policy to attend oral hearings in prisons throughout England and Wales. Also travel to the London office and other venues to attend Parole Board events, including training. Occasional overnight stays may be required and expenses will be reimbursed in accordance to the prevailing policy.

What does the Parole Board do?

The Parole Board works to protect the public by risk assessing prisoners to decide whether they can safely be released into the community. It sits as a court and makes risk assessments which are rigorous, fair and timely, based on information supplied by the prisoner, the prison and probation service and other expert witnesses.

Parole Board decisions are solely focused on whether a prisoner would represent a significant risk to the public after release. The risk assessment is based on detailed evidence found in the dossier (a collection of documents relating to the prisoner) and evidence provided at the oral hearing.

The Parole Board is responsible for considering parole reviews for prisoners serving indeterminate sentences – sometimes called ‘life’ sentences – where the sentence has no end date.

It also considers certain types of determinate sentence cases - where there is an end to the sentence – and some prisoners who have been sent back, or ‘recalled’, to prison.

To be eligible for parole, a prisoner will have served the minimum ‘tariff’, or punishment part of their sentence, set by the courts. Prisoners eligible for parole are only released into the community if the Parole Board decides it is safe to do so.

An offender released on a parole licence continues to serve the rest of their sentence in the community while being supervised by the Probation Service. This is known as ‘release on licence’ or parole.

Inclusion & Diversity Commitment

The Parole Board is committed to inclusion and diversity. We encourage applications from all candidates regardless of ethnicity, religion or belief, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability or gender identity.

We are seeking to improve the diversity of the Parole Board membership and always welcome applications from people with black and minority ethnic backgrounds, as well as Welsh speakers.

We invite organisations, charities and individuals to contact to share their ideas and expertise for how we can continue to work to improve the Parole Board’s diversity in future recruitment campaigns.

What is it like being a member?

Some Parole Board members have written blogs and shared videos to show potential applicants what the work entails and how they came to be a member in the first place.

Life at the Parole Board

His Honour Judge Geoffrey Kamil, CBE. Judicial member since 2000

I joined as Parole Board Member 175 in the year 2000. There were about 20 of us new recruits and most were connected in some way with the law — either judges, barristers, magistrates, ex-probation officers, or senior ex-police officers. There were no members representing any Minorities.

I can honestly say that I would not have continued as a Parole Board member if I did not enjoy my work. It is onerous but satisfying, especially when you have been able to reach a decision that is fair to the prisoner, the victim, and the public.

Read more from Geoffrey’s blog.

Independent members, transferrable skills

Aruna Walsh, independent member since 2009

When I first saw the advertisement for new Parole Board members I didn’t really consider it seriously.

On closer reading of the requirements, however, I noted that the skills being sought were in analysis, evaluation, communication, working collaboratively, drawing on written and orally heard information, and electronic working.

Read more from Aruna’s blog.

A new challenge that can fit around your other commitments

Cassie Williams, independent member since 2016

I joined the Parole Board in 2016 and have discovered so much more about risk assessments, psychology, people and myself than I thought would come from this role. I applied to become a Member as I was looking for a new challenge that worked around my busy family life as a mum to 3 young daughters, and professional commitments as a Barrister.

It isn’t always easy, but the ability to plan my Board commitments some months ahead allows me to take on as much or as little work as I want.

Read more from Cassie’s blog.

What is the most rewarding aspect of being a PB member?

Terms of appointment

Public appointments

Parole Board members are ‘public appointees’, not employees, and operate independently when making judicial decisions.


  • Members are appointed by the Secretary of State for a five-year term with the possibility of re-appointment at the discretion of Ministers. Any re-appointment is subject to recommendation by the Parole Board based on satisfactory performance appraisal and business need. An active portfolio of all aspects of casework, including chairing, will need to be evidenced. If re-appointed, members who are accredited and active chairs may serve in post for a maximum of 15 years subject to ministerial agreement.


  • Training is provided and is mandatory. Attendance at training, in person or online, is fee paid at the prevailing rate and contributes towards the minimum time commitment.
  • Independent Members are expected to become accredited to chair oral hearings in 2026, for which additional training will be provided.
  • In addition to training required for accreditation, there is an expectation that members will participate in other continuing professional development activities organised by the Parole Board (expectation is 10 additional days in the first year for CPD)

Standards in Public Life:

A full explanation of the principles can be found here

Public Appointments:

  • The Commissioner for Public Appointments ensures that appointments are made in accordance with the Governance Code and the principles of public appointments. All appointments follow a recruitment process set out in the Governance Code for Public Appointments.
  • You are also expected to adhere to the Code of Conduct for board members of public bodies

Work-life balance

Flexible working

Independent Members will be required to provide at least 115 days annually and will be supported with ongoing training and development. The work is part-time, flexible and can fit around other commitments. All work is undertaken digitally using secure laptops and equipment which we provide.

The time commitment includes preparation time for panels, which can be undertaken at home and in the evenings, to fit in with your other responsibilities. You will also be required to attend prisons for oral hearings during office hours. This may be online or in person.

You will be asked for your availability three months in advance and will be allocated work within the days you choose. There is no guarantee of work. You may give more time if there is work available.

Minimum annual commitment

Member type Minimum annual time commitment
Independent members 115 days
Retired Judicial members 69 days
Psychologist members 35 days
Psychiatrist members 35 days

This time commitment includes oral hearings held at prisons (or via video-link), as well as paper hearings and preparation work, which can be carried out at home using secure laptops that we provide.

Members may be able to work more than the minimum commitment if there is work available. However, there is no guarantee of work.


The work is fee paid. Remuneration is subject to deduction of tax and National Insurance contributions at source. The role is non pensionable. Casework fees for Law Enforcement members range between £345 and £375 per day, depending on the role.

Oral Hearings

The daily rate varies depending on member type (i.e. specialist or non-specialist, panel chair or non-chair) and the nature of the work undertaken.

Member type Day rate for oral hearing preparation fee (per case)
Law Enforcement 320 80
Independent 320 80
Judicial 320 80
Psychologist 345 87
Psychiatrist 345 65

Members can expect to attend two to three hearings per listed day, whether remotely or at a prison. You will be paid an additional fee for preparation of each case, which can be done at home to fit in with your other commitments.

Paper Hearings

Below is the day rate for members carrying out paper hearings at home and is based on eight hours work.

Member Type Day rate for paper hearings
Independent 320
Judicial 320
Psychologist 345
Psychiatrist 345


Parole Board members are home-based. Hearings can take place in person, online (video) or by telephone. There is a requirement to travel to attend hearings in prisons and other secure establishments.

You may also need to be able to travel to London for Parole Board business or training. You will be reimbursed for travel and subsistence expenses in line with the limits set out in the Parole Board member guidance. Travel time is not paid.


If you currently receive a salary from the public purse your remuneration for the Parole Board role may be subject to abatement.

Prison establishments

A full list of prisons and their addresses can be found here.

Updates to this page

Published 8 June 2020
Last updated 21 January 2021 + show all updates
  1. Added translation

  2. First published.

  3. The 2019 member recruitment campaign is now closed for applications (7 March at 12:00). People can still register their interest in working for the Parole Board at and will be notified when there is a recruitment campaign open in the region they live in.

  4. Information added to 'want to know more' section: the Parole Board is holding recruitment events in Bradford and Sheffield on 22 February to discuss why it must improve the diversity of its membership and to encourage people from all backgrounds to apply to be a member.

  5. The eligibility criteria has been added to make it clear who can apply. The campaign is open to almost everyone and please do ask us at if you are still unsure whether you are eligible to apply.

  6. The Parole Board member recruitment page has been updated on Tuesday 29 January with the following: * New video of Parole Board members speaking about their roles and why people should apply * Postcode checker for people who need to check if they live in an eligibile area to apply * The option to book in a call with the Parole Board secretariat, a Parole Board member, or a member of the Public Appointments team via the workwithus email address. #workwithus

  7. The campaign for new Parole Board members is now open. This page has been updated with guidance on how to apply, blogs from Parole Board members, and when people need to apply by. More information will be posted in due course and please send any questions to

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