
Southern Africa Trust

The Southern Africa Trust provides grants to civil society organisations representing the poor through policy development in the region.


The Southern Africa Trust provides grants to civil society organisations representing the interests of the poor in policy development processes across the region.


The Southern Africa Trust is an independent, regional, non-profit agency registered in South Africa. It supports:

  • organisations and processes with regional impact
  • deeper and wider engagement in policy dialogue
  • public policy development aiming to reduce poverty
  • the voices of the poor to be heard in policy processes


Most governments in southern Africa have developed poverty reduction strategy papers to help their countries achieve the Millennium Development Goals. These papers aim to promote growth, democratic governance and social and economic justice.

However, many of these processes require more integrated regional approaches and stronger engagement by civil society and the private sector. This must take place at both national and regional levels.

The Southern Africa Trust was established in 2005 to support civil society organisations in southern Africa achieve these goals. The aim is that civil society can participate with credibility in policy dialogue so the poor can have a better impact in the policy development.

Published 25 March 2013