
Lawyer vacancies in the Welsh Government August 2017

Information on the Lawyer vacancies at the Welsh Government

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Headline Information

Department Welsh Government
Division Legal Services
Job title Lawyers
Location Cardiff
Starting Salary £48,650
Application deadline Thursday 31 August 2017, 16:00

The Welsh Government offers lawyers a unique opportunity to work within a dynamic environment that places them at the heart of devolved government, projects of national significance and profile at the cutting edge of major constitutional developments, including the significant challenges raised by withdrawal from the European Union and at the forefront of the policy and law making process.

We are looking for Solicitors or Barristers or Chartered Legal Executives with a strong interest in public law and an appreciation of the devolution settlement in Wales.

For further information on the post and to apply, please visit the Welsh Government’s Recruitment Website.

Published 2 August 2017