Joint Information Activities Group
The Joint Information Activities Group (JIAG) provides specialist information activities training and capacity building for defence and other government departments.
Based at RAF Halton in Buckinghamshire, JIAG is part of the Information Warfare Group (IWG).

JIAG unit badge. MOD Crown Copyright.
Our role
The role of the JIAG is to develop and deliver the joint information operations and activities capability for defence in support of UK influence requirements.
What we do
JIAG trains around 750 personnel a year in a variety of information activities skills, ranging from working with the media through audience analysis, planning and psychological operations. Its major outputs include the following:
- information activities training for media and communication and information operations personnel across defence
- direct support to defence collective training exercises
- capacity building through individual advisers and bespoke training packages, both in the UK and overseas
Training development
JIAG works across defence and with partners in government, academia and the private sector to stay at the forefront of developments in its sector. It uses innovative methods such as gamification and digital training to deliver courses in a fresh and engaging manner.
Training courses
JIAG offers the following courses:
1. Audience Analysis Course (AAC). The AAC is a two-week course for intelligence analysts developing information packs as part of audience analysis.
2. Joint Information Activities Course (JIAC). This two-week course covers the suite of information activities and how they are planned at the tactical, operational and strategic levels.
3. Joint Information Operations Planning Course (JIOPC). The JIOPC is a one-week course for those directly responsible for integrating information activities in operational planning.
4. Joint Media Practitioners’ Course (JMPC). Personnel in public relations or media operations roles can attend this two-week course, which covers the planning, creation, and assessment of communication activity.
5. Joint Media Advanced Practitioners’ Course (JMAPC). This one-week course covers the development of communication strategies within a headquarters and managing media ops teams.
6. Defence Spokesperson Course (DSC). Staff who are likely to engage with the media and the public, such as elite sportspeople and senior staff, can attend this two-day course. It provides a background to working with the media and practical interview skills.
7. Joint Digital Media Course (JDMC). The JDMC is a three-day course which covers the basics of using digital media and running social media accounts.
Capacity building
JIAG also provides individual advisors or bespoke training packages to support defence engagement overseas. These packages are based on the unit’s core courses.