
Electoral Commission vacancies for lawyers: how to apply

Information on how to apply for qualified lawyer vacancies within the Electoral Commission

This guidance was withdrawn on

Vacancy no longer available

Essential Information

Job title Lawyer
Location Central London
Salary £50,418
Working arrangement Fixed term contract until 31st March 2016
Application deadline Sunday 19th July
Interview dates Week commencing 3 August 2015

We are looking for a lawyer to join our highly motivated and committed expanding legal team. Reporting to our Deputy Head of Legal, you will provide legal advice to the Party and Elections Finance Directorate of the Commission.

We offer a varied and high quality workload and the role will involve advisory and regulatory work ranging from enforcement, policy, to advising on draft legislation where you will have the opportunity to help turn policy into law. The work is challenging and often requires advising on novel or untested areas of law under the pressure of time. The role may involve advising on electoral administration law, data protection and freedom of information law, as well as general corporate governance.

We offer excellent terms and conditions, including flexible working hours and the opportunity to join the Civil Service pension arrangements (dependent upon scheme rules) which include a valuable range of benefits.

If you’re interested, you can apply online

Should you have any queries in relation to the role please email

Published 14 July 2015