
Commonwealth Broadcasting Association WorldView

A programme aimed at improving understanding and awareness of the developing world via the mainstream broadcast and digital media.


WorldView is a Commonwealth Broadcasting Association (CBA) project that aims to improve UK public understanding and awareness of the developing world via the mainstream broadcast and digital media. WorldView supports producers who aim to bring the richness and diversity of the wider world to UK audiences. Seed funding is awarded to producers, enabling them to spend time in the developing world researching stories, identifying characters and locations and shooting taster tapes.

WorldView is supported by UKaid from the Department for International Development (DFID). DFID plays no part in selecting projects for funding and has no editorial input into programmes that have received funding via WorldView.

Funds available

Project development fund

Projects should aim to promote better understanding of the developing world highlighting the challenges and importance for both developed and developing countries of reducing poverty. Currently only established programme makers/media producers may apply. Individual producers are not excluded from applying to the fund, but are encouraged to approach established production companies to oversee their projects. Preference will be given to projects that aim to extend audience reach.

Multimedia fund

The Multimedia fund grant provides an opportunity for established media producers and multimedia journalists to spend up to 3 months researching stories and programme or content ideas in the developing world. Applicants may find new stories overseas but are expected to have already identified multiple story ideas that would be of interest to a diverse range of UK media outlets prior to contacting WorldView.

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Published 25 March 2013

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