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Wilton Park Conference in Jakarta on Conflict Resolution in Southeast Asia

Wilton Park, an international forum for strategic discussion, held their second conference on Conflict Resolution in South East Asia.

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Wilton Park Conference in Jakarta

Wilton Park Conference in Jakarta

Wilton Park, an international forum for strategic discussion, held their second conference on Conflict Resolution in South East Asia, in Jakarta on 10-12 February 2015. The conference brought together some 60 participants from Burma/Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam and Laos, as well as experts from the region, international organisations, the UK and Australia. Vice President Republic of Indonesia HE Jusuf Kalla also addressed the concluding session of the conference.

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla addressed the concluding session of the conference

Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla addressed the concluding session of the conference

The meeting was organised in association with the ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (AIPR), the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and in partnership with the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Australian Department for Foreign Affairs and Trade. It built on discussions from the first Wilton Park Conference, held in the UK in 2013, which brought together peace-process actors from across the region, for the first time, to discuss the role of key stakeholders, and the State, in resolving domestic conflicts. This conference aims to examine and share experience on the second phase of conflict resolution; building sustainable peace. It also aims to strengthen cooperation in the ASEAN region and encourage support for the work of AIPR.

UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office Minister of State Hugo Swire said:

I am delighted that, 15 months after the first Wilton Park Conference was held in the UK, there remains a strong appetite for discussion and the sharing of ideas on conflict resolution in South East Asia. The UK, like the countries of South East Asia, has its own experiences of resolving differences peacefully, and we all stand to benefit from working together, through opportunities like this, to find workable solutions for lasting peace.

Australian Ambassador to ASEAN Simon Merrifield said:

Nothing beats having the right people in the room and a supportive atmosphere for frank discussion, which is how solutions emerge. For Australia, our support for this conference continues the good work of the ASEAN Institute for Peace and Reconciliation (AIPR) in helping people in ASEAN member countries learn from each other and identify new and creative means to promote peace, reconciliation and prevent conflict.

Wilton Park Programme Director Isobelle Jaques said:

Wilton Park is delighted to be back in Jakarta holding this second meeting to examine practical measures for supporting peace processes in the region, as well as the work of ASEAN’s Institute for Peace and Reconciliation, and broader cooperation on resolving domestic conflict.

Notes to editors:

  • The conference is held by Wilton Park under its MoU for cooperation with the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs which was signed in September 2012. (FYI: MoU’s purpose is formally described as ‘working in partnership to convene significant public diplomacy events to be held periodically in Indonesia to support shared UK and Indonesian foreign policy interests and objectives’).

  • This conference is co-funded by the UK government and the Australian Government.

  • Wilton Park is an executive agency of the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office providing a global forum for strategic discussion. It organises over 50 events a year in the UK and overseas, bringing together leading representatives from the worlds of politics, business, academia, diplomacy, civil society and media. Events focus on issues of international security, prosperity and justice.

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Published 13 February 2015