World news story

UK Trade Mission in Tajikistan to explore business opportunities

The first-ever UK Trade Mission to Dushanbe will arrive on 15 April.

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The first UK Trade Mission to explore business opportunities in Tajikistan

The mission consists of nine companies working in services, construction of infrastructure projects, supplying goods and equipment, steel bridging and IT sectors.

The missioners are intent on exploring the trade and investment opportunities in Tajikistan and cooperation with Tajik government, businesses and the development community. The mission will be led by Nigel Peters, Director of British Expertise and The Central Asia & Trans-Caucasus Business Information Group (CATBIG).

The missioners will meet with Minister of Economic Development, Sharif Rahimzoda, State Economic Advisor Farukh Khamraliev and Head of State Committee on Investment and State Property Management, Davlatali Saidov. Missioners also hope to meet with a wide range of Tajik ministries, private businesses and donor community in order to better understand how to develop their businesses here. The companies will also present their goods and services to Tajik partners.

British Ambassador to Tajikistan said: “I am delighted to welcome the first ever UK Trade Mission to Dushanbe. This represents an important step in our strategy to raise awareness of Tajikistan amongst the UK business community. I very much hope missioners identify concrete business opportunities to the benefit of both our countries and return to the UK as Business Ambassadors for Tajikistan.”

Nigel Peters, Director of British Expertise and CATBIG said: “I am delighted to be leading the first UK trade mission to Tajikistan. I visited Tajikistan in 2010 for an EU organised business conference, and returned last September at the invitation of the British Embassy to write a report on the business opportunities for UK companies. This trade mission is a follow-up to the opportunities identified in that report.

We have a good group of companies on the mission, with interests ranging from insurance services through to design, management and construction of infrastructure projects, and supplying goods and equipment. The UK companies are all looking to work with Tajik companies, and in the long term may establish local companies with them. I will also be keeping a look out for opportunities for the companies that are unable to be personally represented.”

The mission is an important aspect of British embassy’s commitment to support Tajikistan’s desire for economic development and follows visit to Tajikistan by UK Trade and Investment and British Expertise to identify opportunities for UK companies and potential cooperation. It also follows the publication of an embassy sponsored report “Tajikistan: Business Opportunities for UK Companies”.

List of companies of the first UK Trade Mission to Tajikistan

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Published 12 April 2013