World news story

UK-India innovate together in advanced manufacturing

At the UK-India manufacturing week, UKTI and UKSIN are bringing a high profile delegation of UK companies, researchers and technology bodies to India.

This was published under the 2015 to 2016 Cameron Conservative government

Following the highly successful visit of the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi to the UK earlier this month, UK Trade and Investment (UKTI) and UK Science and Innovation Network (UKSIN) are celebrating and inspiring business and technology partnerships in advanced manufacturing and innovation between UK and India.

With events in Pune on December 1st and Bengaluru on December 3rd 2015, the objective of the week is to increase collaboration between the UK and India in automotive, aerospace and defence sectors.

The appetite of large Indian manufacturing companies to develop and consume the latest technologies is increasing, and the current start-up wave in India is witnessing an emergence of a number of technology companies with global business models. Fostering innovation and value-added manufacturing in India is also one of the strands of the Government of India’s ‘Make in India’ initiative. This presents clear opportunities for partnerships with UK companies to the benefit of both countries.

UKTI is responding to this unique opportunity in the areas of advanced manufacturing and innovation by facilitating a visit from the UK’s very best in business and research. The visiting delegation includes UK companies like Rolls-Royce, Airbus, Delcam, Renishaw and TWI, technology bodies like the National Composites Centre and Institute of Engineering Technology, and academics from British Universities like University of Cranfield and Advanced Manufacturing Park from the University of Sheffield.

This week’s events are aimed at introducing top UK advanced manufacturing companies and researchers to leading Indian companies, key academics to facilitate areas of collaboration in the sector.

Kumar Iyer, Director General of UK Trade and Investment in India said:

There was a strong call to ‘Make in India’ during PM Modi’s visit to the UK, and the UK is one of the pioneers to respond to this flagship campaign. Earlier this year both our Prime Ministers launched GREAT for Collaboration, an ambitious and exciting new campaign to showcase India-UK business collaboration with the overall objective to increase business between the two countries. The UK is well placed to offer Indian industry a range of new and emerging manufacturing technologies. Ours is a two way relationship - while Indian companies can source technologies from the UK and collaborate on projects in India, some might like to set up a business in the UK to access technologies and invest in research and development projects in the UK.

Throughout the week there will also be a showcase on innovation capabilities in the UK. The UK is a uniquely favourable place for Indian companies with centres of excellence in manufacturing, technology science and innovation across the country. The UK provides a business friendly atmosphere with the lowest corporation tax rate among G20 countries and available funding opportunities making it an attractive destination for Indian manufacturing companies like the Tata group which has emerged as the UK’s leading manufacturing company and investor. The UK-India manufacturing week aims to provide a platform to inspire similar collaborations between companies and institutions from both countries.

In Pune the focus will be on the automotive sector and in Bengaluru the aerospace sector. The event in Bengaluru is being organised in partnership with the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) UK, the largest multidisciplinary professional engineering institution in the world.

Further information:

UK-India Manufacturing Week Conference:

  • Pune - Dec 1st, Inspire 1 & 2, Hotel Westin, Koregaon Park
  • Bengaluru - Dec 3rd, Vivanta by Taj, 41/3, Mahatma Gandhi Road

GREAT for Collaboration

GREAT for Collaboration is an ambitious and exciting new campaign to showcase India-UK business collaboration. The campaign, launched by Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Cameron, will inspire new partnerships and encourage greater awareness of the scale of the UK’s commitment to India. The overall objective is to increase business between the two countries. The campaign showcases and promotes collaborations of mutual benefit to India and the UK across a range of sectors, such as energy, healthcare, advanced manufacturing, financial services and infrastructure.

At the launch of GREAT for Collaboration in January 2015, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said:

I am pleased that British industry, supported by its government, is responding enthusiastically to our call for ‘Make in India’. UK has been one of our strongest economic partners and a leading investor in India. UK is known for its strength in technology and innovation. India offers vast opportunities through its markets, skilled human resources, competitive economic environment and location.

Our businesses also operate in the familiar context of democratic polity, rule of law, language and management practices. This creates an unbeatable combination to forge successful partnerships that can bring immense benefits to both countries. India’s new investment climate will, I hope, attract an even greater number of British businesses to set up manufacturing bases in India.

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Published 30 November 2015