World news story

Seeking bright Aussie fintechs to join ABCC delegation to UK

Five delegate places on fintech mission to London on offer to Australian startups and SMEs looking to grow and prosper internationally

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government

The UK’s Department for International Trade (DIT) has partnered with the Australian British Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) to give five internationally-focused Australian startups and SMEs the chance to join a fintech trade mission to London. Successful applicants will participate in a tailored business programme from 19 - 21 April 2017, and receive financial support for the majority of flight and accommodation costs.

They will join senior figures from the UK and Australia’s fintech ecosystem across industry and government. Delegates will have the opportunity to network and share ideas with UK counterparts, and meet potential investors and clients.

Among the confirmed senior delegates and speakers participating in the mission so far are: Ben Brabyn, Head of Level 39; James Clark, Business Development - Tech and Life Sciences at the London Stock Exchange; Imran Gulamhuseinwala, Global Head of Fintech for Ernst & Young; Nektarios Liolios, Founder & CEO of Startup Bootcamp Fintech (UK); Andrew Corbett-Jones, Head, Tyro FinTech Hub; Toby Heap, Founding Partner, H2 Ventures; Peter Hiom, Deputy CEO, ASX Limited; Greg Medcraft, Chairman ASIC; Danielle Szetho, CEO, FinTech Australia; Philip Trinca partner at Ashurst and Roger Wilkins AO, Chairman, Strategic Advisory Board for the Fintel Alliance reporting to the Australian Prime Minister.

Michael Ward, British Consul General and Director-General, UK Department for International Trade, Australia and New Zealand, said:

We’re delighted to support the British Chamber’s fintech mission to London and help give five Australian startups and SMEs looking to grow globally the opportunity to take part.

It’s shaping up to be an exceptional line-up, both in terms of delegates and speakers, and it will be a tremendous opportunity for any fintech considering expansion to the UK to meet with the movers and shakers in the London fintech community and learn about the opportunities in this world leading financial centre.

David McCredie, CEO, Australian British Chamber of Commerce said:

This mission, our inaugural British Australian Fintech Forum, provides great scope for the Australian and British fintech community to come together, learn and share best practice and to discover and create business opportunities.

Delegates and UK participants will come from across the fintech eco-system providing insight and perspectives on a range of topics.

To apply for one of the five sponsored delegate places or to register to join the mission visit the ABBC website. The application deadline for sponsored places is 6 March 2017.

Notes to editor

The UK is the world’s fastest growing region for finech inward investment. Many of the biggest players in fintech have chosen to set up or expand their global operations in the UK. The UK provides:

  • a strong demand from a sophisticated market
  • an excellent IT and transport infrastructure
  • one of the largest pools of financial and entrepreneurial talent in the world

In 2015, the sector had a turnover of about 6.6 billion GBP in revenue and attracted about 524 million GBP in investment.

The 4 strongest performing areas are:

  • payments, which currently attract a wide range of innovators
  • platforms, particularly peer-to-peer lending, trading, personal wealth management and aggregators
  • software for risk management, payments, asset management, capital markets, insurance and accounting
  • data analytics such as credit reference, capital markets and insurance

There is ample room in the market for established providers and disruptive technologies. Many different sources of finance are available and the sector is well served by angel and private equity investors, accelerator and incubator schemes.

About DIT

The UK’s Department for International Trade (DIT) has overall responsibility for promoting UK trade across the world and attracting foreign investment to our economy. We are a specialised government body with responsibility for negotiating international trade policy, supporting business, as well as delivering an outward-looking trade diplomacy strategy.

Media contact:

Annie Galea

Head of Communications

British Consulate-General, Sydney

+61 2 82472274

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Published 20 February 2017